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Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who can apply?

A. Virtually any member of the District's professional staff. This would include teachers, principals and curriculum supervisors.

Q. How can the program be organized?

A. Educator-in-Residence programs can be set up for the entire District, a school, a department or a specific grade level.

Q. How will projects be selected for funding?

A. The Foundation Projects Committee will consider the merits of each proposal on an individual basis. Innovative programs that have the potential for a lasting impact on students and teachers will be given top priority.

Q. Can the Educator-in-Residence program be linked to the community?

A. Most definitely! Visiting educators could meet with parents and/or civic groups while they are in Altoona in an effort to broaden the base of interest and support for improved public schools.

Q. Can I obtain matching funds for my project?

A. Yes! For projects with a large budget, this may be essential. When additional funds are available from PTO groups, Music Parents, community organizations or sources like the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, Foundation resources can be used more efficiently.

Q. When can proposals be submitted?

A. The Projects Committee will meet to evaluate proposals during the first week of October and again during the first week of January. Proposals submitted after January 2 will not be considered until the following school year.

Q. How much paperwork is involved?

A. Not very much. If you are selected to receive a grant, you will be required to submit a record of expenditures and receipts. You must also write a one-page evaluation of the project after is has been completed.
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